Taft update
I realize that I have not posted an update on William Howard Taft in a while.
I am now writing chapters of the Taft book, about to put pen to paper on 1915. I am in the “Yale years,” the years between the White House and the Supreme Court, filled with interesting episodes, such as his role in World War I, and especially in the debate over whether and on what terms the United States should join the League of Nations. I hope to reach Taft’s death in 1930 by the end of the year, and then to finish the early years of his life next year.
So for those of you eager to read the book, it will be a while. In the meantime, if you have questions about Taft, you can contact me through here. I have already started, from time to time, giving talks about Taft. I had interesting events in Cincinnati around Taft’s birthday last year. And I continue to give other talks: I will be at Christopher Newport University in Newport News VA this week for a talk about Seward, Chase and Lincoln as lawyers.
I enjoyed your John Jay book and look forward to reading Taft.
What EXISTING bio of Taft do you find to be the best?
Thank you
John c Calhoun really needs an update since Margaret Coit’s 1950 book. Robert remini skipped Calhoun. Merry did a very good book on McKinley, who trump intends to restore to the name of Alaska’s highest mountain, because under him the USA made a lot of money.