Archive for August 2018
On Biography
One of Salmon Chase’s best friends was Charles Sumner, the antislavery leader from Massachusetts. They first met in the 1840s, mainly through the mail, and they served together in the United States Senate in the 1850s, when they were among the most ardent opponents of the Fugitive Slave Law and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. During the…
Read MoreProstate Cancer Update
A friend told me yesterday that he had looked, in vain, here on my website for an update on my prostate cancer. Here is an update. I am recovering well from my prostate cancer surgery on July 2. I am walking, running a bit, and could I think do some cycling, although Dr. B tells…
Read MoreCancer Books
I realize, now that I have cancer, that I have been reading about cancer for many years. Most of what I know about cancer I know from reading. That is, I suppose true of most topics; we learn about Brazil, or the French Revolution, or John Jay, by reading. I could go on and on…
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