Skeptical Biographer

One of the great reasons to live where we do is the Phillips Exeter Academy Library.  I can WALK to the library, indeed when I walk our dog Sunny, we generally walk to the library and back, just to enjoy the view from there of the Academy Building.  I have been known to tie Sunny…

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Mock Trial Defended

In September my mock trial team put on a short mock trial for assembly for the whole school.  One of the Exeter students, not on the team, did not much like what he saw, and he posted a long critique on his facebook page. As is the way of these things, other people saw the…

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Twenty Clerks

Those of you have read my review of the recent Wilson biography XX know that I have strong views on footnotes. Every historian, I believe, owes footnotes to future historians.  It is only through good footnotes that one historian can retrace the steps of a prior historian, confirm whether the work is accurate, assess whether…

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Harvard Mock Trial

This past weekend I took about twenty Exeter kids to Harvard for a mock trial training weekend.  The weekend has two main components:  lectures by the Harvard students, in which they explain some of the basics of mock trial, and a scrimmage among the various high school students, in which they get a chance to…

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