Chase Status

Careful readers will have noted that the publication date of my Chase book has changed: it is now February 22, 2022. The delay is caused by delays at the printers; I have not been working on the book since sending final revisions to the publisher months and months ago.

Most but not quite all of the Chase events set for this fall have been canceled or moved to the spring. One event that is ON, however, is the Smithsonian talk on December 13, 2021, at 645 pm eastern. When the publisher contacted the Smithsonian about moving the event a few months, the Smithsonian said that they already had dozens of people registered, so the event is ON. And it should be interesting; I will get to talk about Chase’s role at the Smithsonian, his enthusiasm for science.

I am working on a proposal for a new book; will announce that as soon as we have contract with the publisher, but that could be several months. Supply chain delays.


  1. Chase Rogers on December 4, 2021 at 1:33 pm

    Walter-we were classmates at Stanford-class of 1979. More interesting for you, Salmon Chase was a relative of mine and when I was appointed Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court we found a portrait of him that was in the courthouse (another story) which I proudly hung behind my desk during my tenure. If you would like to see a photo of the portrait let me know. Best, Chase Rogers

  2. Ryan on December 9, 2021 at 1:36 pm

    Thanks for the update Mr. Stahr. Picking up the book day one. Can’t wait to see what is in store for your next book. Appreciate the hard work you put into these.

  3. Richard Van Blair on February 22, 2022 at 1:27 am

    I am a published writer, so I do indeed appreciate all the hard work Mr. Stahr has put in all these years into research and writing his great books. Sincerely, Rick Van Blair.

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