WSJ and NYT Reviews
Harold Holzer reviewed the Stanton book for the Wall Street Journal yesterday. It is a long, detailed review, and I will not quote it all here, but send the readers of this blog to the review itself. Key quote, from my perspective: “This exhaustively researched, well-paced book should take its place as the new, standard biography of the ill-tempered man who helped to save the Union. It is fair, judicious, authoritative, and comprehensive.”
Another review of the Stanton book will appear in the New York Times Sunday Book Review next Sunday, August 13. It is also long and detailed and generally positive.
So two strong reviews in the book’s very early days; good news indeed. The book goes on sale on Tuesday, and I will be that night at my local book store, Lido Village Books. Hope to sell, that night, all hundred copies that the book store has on hand.