Chapter X
I have started writing the Stanton book. I am writing what I call chapter X, because I am not sure how many chapters will precede it. The chapter deals with the first half of 1864, including the Dahlgren raid, the appointment of Grant as lieutenant general, the spring campaign, the bogus proclamation of May 18, 1864.
The fact that I am writing does not mean that I am done with researching; indeed as I write I look at the sources, such as the official records or Lincoln papers or newspapers, to see if they confirm points. I have even found, through internet research, some sources I did not know about, including a long article by Stephen Sears on the Dahlgren raid. But at some point you have to stop researching, start writing, or you will never give people the pleasure of reading.
So, faithful readers, if there are any such readers of this blog, have hope, the Stanton book will emerge some day. I hope in time for Christmas 2016.